Search - ixys
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IXYS IXDN404PI DIP-8 4 Ampere Dual Low-Side Ultrafast
IXYS IXDN404PI DIP-8 4 Ampere Dual Low-Side Ultrafast
IXYS DSEI60-02A TO-247 Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diode FRED
IXYS DSEI60-02A TO-247 Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diode FRED
IXYS DSEC60-04A TO-247 HiPerFREDTM Epitaxial Diode with
IXYS DSEC60-04A TO-247 HiPerFREDTM Epitaxial Diode with
IXYS IXGH32N60CD1 TO-247 HiPerFAST IGBT with Diode
IXYS IXGH32N60CD1 TO-247 HiPerFAST IGBT with Diode
IXYS IXGH20N60A TO-247 Low VCE(sat) IGBT High speed IGBT
IXYS IXGH20N60A TO-247 Low VCE(sat) IGBT High speed IGBT